The Atmosphere Amplifier

Woodbury University

Arch 302 - Spring 2021

Instructor: Stephan Marshall

Giselle Yeh & Jessica Gomez

Site Location: Marina Del Rey Breakwater

The concept design revolves around the idea of amplifying the atmosphere characteristics of fog, sun, and shade. The overall form of the building was created in reference to how fog movement is, where fog is more dense towards the sea and begins to disperse towards land. With the use of hydrophilic wires and dichroic glass, a space was created connecting and combining fog and sunlight. The hydrophilic wires, located around the sides of the building, capture the moisture of fog, allowing visitors to physically touch what is once considered intangible. The dichroic panels, which create the roof shell with the solar collector panels, reflect different colors throughout the building depending on the position and angle of the sun. With these mechanics, a connection between people and the atmosphere of the surrounding site was established.


Studio 4A


Studio 3A